
„Mircea este un ghid de exceptie. Un rafinat explorator al istoriei de langa noi, al locurilor fantastice de langa noi pe care le-am uitat. Recomand o calatorie giosaneasca celor care apreciaza traditiile, istoria, arhitectura si mancarurile bune.”
Marius Alexa, Arhipelago

„Multumesc pentru calatoriile in care mi-ai fost cel mai bun ghid!
Cu tine distanta Bucuresti – Iasi e intotdeauna mai scurta si mai placuta!”
Cristian Stanculescu, Optim Group

“Mircea organised the yearly away weekend of our firm, 2 days of hiking and entertainment in the mountains of Bucovina in August 2009. He succeeded in impressing all of us with his enthousiasm, interaction with the group of participants (over 40 persons), and we were extremely happy with how he planned the weekend, combining physical effort (29 kilometers of hiking over 2 days for mostly non-trained participants) with relaxation (evening parties, amazing scenery) and thrills (tiroliana).I would recommend Mircea to anyone who is looking for a guide who can show you the beauty of Romania, be it as part of a personal trip with friends, or as a company-organised events for your staff. Contact Mircea and you will not be disappointed!”
Jan Glas, TPA Horwath

“Mircea guided our colleagues through Rarau mountains, organised the entire „away week-end” event perfectly, shared a lot of valuable knowledge with us, managed to be perceived like a real friend. Big thank you, Mircea, for the memorable week-end and for the fantastic job done.”
Anca Bogorin, TPA Horwath

„Pentru plimbat straini prin Romania esti prima mea recomandare. Dar stai…si pentru plimbat romani in Romania esti prima mea recomandare.Sa o tii tot asa, cu mango, branzeturi Brie si Camembert.”
Severin Sanzianu, Premian

„Am simtit ca traiesc promisiunea brandului giosan.ro – descoperirea unor comori ascunse – in momentul in care am vizitat un veritabil muzeu, infiintat de un preot: „Curtea boiereasca” din Sanduleni
Dan Jipa, Designlabs

„De multe ori plecam la mare departare sa vedem locuri interesante. Sunt insa foarte multe locatii in Romania despre care ar trebui sa stim mai multe. Daca as fi trecut pe langa aceste monumente probabil ca nici nu mi-as fi dat seama de insemnatatea lor. De asta mi-a placut excursia si pentru ca a avut un caracter educativ”
Ilie Ghiciuc, Maxcode

Desi vremea ne-a fost potrivnica a fost o duminica foarte reusita.
Ma declar fan al iesirilor giosanesti si o astept cu nerabdare pe urmatoarea.
Mircea, ai toata sustinerea mea in a face din aceste iesiri prietenesti o afacere de succes.
Bogdan Baianu, BMG Consulting

„…si am fost..si nu mi-a parut rau. Pai cum sa-mi para rau? Daca Jr si mai ales sotia (destul de pretentioasa!!) au fost incantati atat de locurile vizitate cat si de compania oferita, un alt barometru este inutil. Asa ca, stimate giosan.ro, o bulina, neaparat alba. nota 10plus; respect!
Dupa ce-am parasit Complexul de la Borzesti m-am simtit coplesit de greutatea informatiilor primite (sper si acumulate). Pentru mine a fost cel mai interesant.
Plusuri : salina (cine mi-a zis ca e mica? ca e cel putin ca cea de la Prain, doar ca putin mai scunda), Borzesti si bulzul de la Hanul Ancutei
Minusuri : lipsa unei cepe la gustarea giosaneasca (habar n-aveti ce pierdeti!). Si nu va formalizati, ca nu e cazul. Giosan e un tip absolut normal, din popor !!”
Multumim, Giosan !!”
T&T Ciortan

“Last weekend Mircea was our guide in discovering the beauty of the Rarau Mountain, as we decided to celebrate there our annually away weekend. We had a wonderful time, Mircea prepared for us a very dynamic program, spiced with a lot of surprises that made us experience some unforgettable moments. We really enjoyed collaborating with him especially that he seems to be passionate about his work/activity. I would recommend Mircea to anyone who is interested in spending a quality time in the nature, having a private guide. Mircea is a great guy and his services are top quality!”
Ramona Iank, TPA Horwath

„Desi salina de la Tg. Ocna nu-mi era straina deloc, drumul incarcat de istorioarele relatate de Giosan au facut ca aceasta iesire sa fie o mare recompensa pt mine. Recomand cu multa caldura iesirile giosanesti si incercati pe cat puteti, sa stati cat mai aproape de Giosan, veti ramane surprinsi de cat de multe lucruri nu stiati si pe langa cate valori treceati fara sa le dati nici cea mai mica importanta.
felicitari giosan – ghid de lux!!! astept cu mult interes urmatoarea iesire giosaneasca…”
Gabriel Comorasu

Iti multumim si noi pentru excursie, a fost foarte frumos. O iesire de nota 10.
Diana Apetroaie

„O iesire deosebita in care am vazut locuri frumoase si pline de istorie, alaturi de un prieten vechi in care se ascunde un ghid deosebit. Multumesc Mircea”
Onut Filipescu

„Mircea is an outstanding business planner and manager having the expertise to successfully run highly complex projects, like the JCI National Conference 2009. His leadership skills and high level of energy were unanimously acknowledged at this event and his support and public recognition for his own team speaks volumes about his moral and personal values. If you don’t know why everything works perfectly well, then you must know Mircea is doing his job at his best.”
Roxana Pascariu, The English Office

“Mircea e o persoana „de cursa lunga” . Tenacitatea si determinarea lui m-a facut sa-mi doresc parteneri, angajati si prieteni ca el. Bravo, Mircea, ai facut „tu si echipa ta”, cum ai subliniat de fiecare data, o treaba minunata. Felicitari!”
Otilia Lupu, Grafit Invest

„Mircea a reusit sa realizeze impreuna cu echipa sa un eveniment memorabil, care cu siguranta poate fi considerat un monument de inspiratie pentru fiecare organizatie JCI si pentru oricine doreste sa organizeze evenimente. Este de apreciat modul in care in aceasta perioada de criza au reusit sa realizeze un echilibru intre buget si scop, fara a compromite calitatea. Felicitari !”
Laszlo Pacso, Newfield

„The JCI conference organized under Mircea’s management was the first conference of JCI in Romania where I felt as if I was attending a European one (except the one I organized myself in 2006, joking). He did a good job putting together a team who worked enthusiastically at creating a good program for the delegates, all this in a very altruistic kind of way. It’d be hard to find anyone complaining – and that’s what matters the most. I look forward to testing his travel guidance services!”
Marius Sigheti

„Mircea Giosan has done a wonderful job managing our (JCI Romania) largest and most successful National Conference so far, with 120 delegates coming from over 12 Romanian cities – doing networking, trainings, team sports and parties in Iasi. Mircea was a tough but effective leader of his team and the complex event went smoothly until a joyful Gala night. Thank you Mircea”
Radu Limpede, Advisory

„Mircea is a very good organiser and, as a participant at the 2009 National Conference, I had the chance to take part in a very good organised event. He proved professionalism when dealing with unexpected situations and led the team to achieving the objectives set. More than that, Mircea has proved to be a man who works very well in a team, being not only the leader, but also a member that knew his responsibilities. A good decision taker, Mircea took the project to a very high level, organising the best JCI Romania event in 2009. Since I have met him, I can say that I got used to see extraordinary projects/ actions whenever he is in charge or he is part of the team. Concluding, Mircea is an indispensable resource for the organisation he is part of and a continuous inspiration for every person he gets in contact with.”
Crina Penteleychuk, Crilia

„I am a colleague with Mircea in JCI Iasi and I made part of the Organizing Committee of the National Conference of JCI Romania whose project manager was. I worked great with him in organizing this event, is a man you can rely on and a man of his word, a good organizer with an unruffled calm. I recommend warmly for his abilities and organizational skills. I also recommend him for his knowledge of history, geography and traditional Romanian architecture. I had the pleasure of going on trips organized by giosan.ro and I was more than happy. If you want to visit beautiful and less known places in Iasi and the surrounding, Mircea Giosan is the best man to do with”
Gabriel Comorasu, JCI

“At the most important JCI event in Iasi -The National Congress, I recognized in Mircea a great leader. He certainly has the abilities of a great business director, having all the time the things done without showing the hard work beyond the great results. He takes great responsabilities to coordinate a great team who follows him in any direction. He is the man who lets the results speak for him. He is a winner!”
Anca Pruteanu, Servunion

“Mircea organized the JCI National Conference in Iasi in a very professional manner. Briefly it was fun, professional development in trainings and a lot of quality networking. Mircea answered promptly and professionally to all our extra requests as organizers of the Transylvanian night.”
Paul Ciotlaus, Promoteus

“I can tell about Mircea that he is a great Project Manager I think he will do a lot of projects like that in the future. The best benefit that can bring Mircea in a project is that he will make a good organization team that will take care about the things to go right.”
George Ghertescu, Lobster